Research Interests
Miklós Illéssy, PhD is a senior researcher at the Center of Social Sciences, Budapest and the co-chair of the Innovation and Society Research Centre. He earned his PhD at the Szent István University in 2016. He has over 20 years’ of experience in empirical research on labour studies, innovation, learning economy, platformisation, and digitalisation. Currently his work focuses on comparative understanding of how technological development and various health, economic, and environmental crises affect the world of work, and to what extent these effects differ in different European countries. He has been involved in different European research project since 2001, including WORKS, MEADOW, Quinne, Incoding. He has published more than 100 articles, books and book chapters in journals such as Transfer, Intersections or Algorithms and publishers such as Routledge.
Selected Publications
Molina, O.; Butollo, F.; Makó, Cs.; Godino, A.; Holtgrewe, U.; Illsoe, A.; Junte, S.; Larsen, Trine P.; Illéssy, M.; Pap, J.; Wotschack, Ph. (2023) It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence. Transfer: European Review Of Labour And Research, 29:1, pp. 87-104.
Pap, J.; Mako, Cs.; Illessy, M.; Dedaj, Z.; Ardabili, S.; Torok, B.; Mosavi, A. (2022) Correlation Analysis of Factors Affecting Firm Performance and Employees Wellbeing: Application of Advanced Machine Learning Analysis. Algorithms, 15(9): 300.
Makó, Cs.; Illéssy, M.; Saeed, N. (2022) Is it Possible to Improve Simultaneously Firm Performance and Workplace Well-Being? In: Dallago, B.; Casagrande, S. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems. London: Routledge, pp. 378-391.
Pap, J.; Mako, Cs.; Illéssy, M.; Kis, N.; Mosavi, A. (2022) Modeling Organizational Performance with Machine Learning. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(4):177.
Makó, Cs. & Illéssy, M. (2020) Automation, Creativity, and the Future of Work in Europe: A Comparison between the Old and New Member States with a Special Focus on Hungary. Intersections: East European Journal Of Society And Politics, 6:2, pp. 112-129.
Research Projects
Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management (Incoding), leader of the Hungarian research team.
Crowd-work: Finding new strategies to organise in Europe, leader of the Hungarian research team.