Boldizsár Megyesi

Boldizsár Megyesi
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Acting Director

Research Professor (MTA TK SZI)
Research Interests

Boldizsár Megyesi, PhD is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest. Presently he is one of the deputy-directors of the Institute for Sociology at the CSS. He earned his PhD at the Eötvös Loránd University in 2014. He has over 20 years’ of experience in empirical research on rural studies. His work focuses on rural restructuring: the changes of contemporary rural societies, sustainability issues of food production and consumption, rural development and related policies. Another focus of his research is on the social effects of climate change on (food) consumption, environmental attitudes and energy use. He participated in several EU funded research projects (CORASON, GILDED, PENNY, Ruralization), and led several Hungarian research projects on rural resilience, rural image and small-scale food production financed by the NKFIH (NRDIO). He gained the Bolyai plaque in 2019. He published numerous research articles and book chapters, among others in Sociologia Ruralis, Land Use Policy, Rural Sociology, Energies and Geoforum.

Selected Publications
  1. Bai Attila – Czibere Ibolya – Kovách Imre – Megyesi Gergely Boldizsár – Balogh Péter: The monetary value of convenience and environmental features in residential heat energy consumption, in particular its social determinants. ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS (2211-467X 2211-4688): 50 pp 1-18 (2023)
  2. Eszter Kelemen, Boldizsár Megyesi, Bettina Matzdorf, Erling Andersen, Lenny GJ van Bussel, Myriam Dumortier, Céline Dutilly, Marina García-Llorente, Christine Hamon, Annabelle LePage, Roberta Moruzzo, Katrin Prager, Francesco Riccioli, Carolina Yacamán-Ochoa (2023) The prospects of innovative agri-environmental contracts in the European policy context: Results from a Delphi study. In: Land Use Policy Volume 131, August 2023, 
  3. Imre Kovách, Gergely Boldizsár Megyesi (2023) Motivations of Subsistence Farming in Hungary: Analysis of a Multi-Factored Phenomenon. Rural Sociology online first 
  4. Csurgó Bernadett ; Horzsa Gergely; Kiss Márta; Megyesi Boldizsár; Szabolcsi Zsolt (2023): Place Naming and Place Making : The Social Construction of Rural Landscape. LAND (BASEL) (2073-445X): 12 8 Paper 1528. 
  5. Attila Bai, Imre Kovách, Ibolya Czibere, Boldizsár Gergely Megyesi, Péter Balogh (2022) Examining the Adoption of Drones and Categorisation of Precision Elements among Hungarian Precision Farmers Using a Trans-Theoretical Model. Drones 6 (8), 200 2022. 
  6. Bernadett, Csurgó ; Imre, Kovách ; Boldizsár, Megyesi (2018) After a Long March: the Results of Two Decadesof Rural Restructuring in Hungary. EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE 24 : 1 pp. 81-109.
  7. Mike, Károly – Megyesi, Boldizsár (2018) Communities after markets. The long road of winemakers to self-governance in post-communist Hungary. Geoforum (88)1 pp. 129–137