Papp Mónika

Papp Mónika
CV letöltése Tudományos munkatárs (MTA TK JTI)
  • Osztály: Európai Uniós Jogi és Nemzetközi Jogi Osztály
  • Tudományos cím vagy fokozat: PhD
  • E-mail:
  • Telefonszám: +36/1/224-6700 / 5170
  • Épület: HTK (Emelet, szobaszám: T.0.12.)
  • Publikációk (MTMT)
Kutatási területek
  • EU antitröszt jog 
  • EU állami támogatási politika és jog 
  • EU belső piaci jog 
  • EU jog alkalmazása Magyarországon (meghatározott jogterületeken)
Kiemelt publikációk
  • Marton Varju ­- Mónika Papp: An Opportunity Seized or Lost? The Application of Article 47 of the Charter by Hungarian Courts In: Matteo Bonelli; Mariolina Eliantonio; Giulia Gentile (eds.): Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Volume 2 The National Courts’ Perspectives, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2023) pp. 89-108.­
  • Hoffman István – Papp Mónika - Varju Márton: Can EU Law and the Right to Effective Judicial Protection Rescue Judicial Review in Hungary? EUROPEAN PUBLIC LAW 29: 3 pp. 255-274 (2023)
  • Varju Márton - Papp Mónika: The crisis, national economic particularism and EU law: What can we learn from the Hungarian case? COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW 53:(6) pp. 1647-1674. (2016)
  • Marton Varju-Mónika Papp: Member State Capitalism(s) and EU Law: Protecting Local Varieties in the Single Market In: Csongor István Nagy (ed.): World Trade and Local Public Interest, Cham: Springer, (2020) pp.95-115.
  • Member State Interests and EU Internal Market Law In: Varju Márton (ed.): Between compliance and particularism: Member State interests and European Union law, Cham: Springer, (2019) pp. 103-127.
  • Papp Mónika-Varju Márton: Hungarian Economic Patriotism and Internal Market Law: Questioning Fundamental Freedoms and Disregarding Fundamental Rights, In: Rauchegger Clara; Wallermann Anna (eds.) The Eurosceptic Challenge: National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, (2019) pp. 87-106.
  • Papp Mónika - Varju Márton: The Crisis, Economic Patriotism in Central Europe and EU Law In: Luisa Antoniolli; Luigi Bonatti; Carlo Ruzza (eds) Highs and Lows of European Integration: Sixty Years After the Treaty of Rome, Cham: Springer, (2018) pp. 143-163.
  • Application of EU Competition Law by the Hungarian Judiciary: Cooperation with the ECJ and Relying on the Case Law of the ECtHR In: Almășan Adriana, Whelan Peter (eds.): The Consistent Application of EU Competition Law Substantive and Procedural Challenges. Cham: Springer (2017) pp. 255-270.
  • Procedural Fairness in the European Commission’s Competition Procedure. Recent Case-Law on the ECJ’s Review of Inspections In: István Csongor Nagy (ed.): The Procedural Aspects of the Application of Competition Law. Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, (2016) pp. 57-80.
  • Várnay Ernő- Papp Mónika: Az Európai Unió joga, Budapest: Wolters Kluwer, 2023